David Wilkerson’s Warning to the Church: Don’t let your Pentecostal Fire be Replaced by the Fire of Indignation


In 1971, amidst riots at home and war in Vietnam, David Wilkerson wrote the following warning to the American church. It speaks directly to American Christians today. Read it carefully. Wilkerson’s greatest concern is not youthful sin and rebellion, but the reactions of Christians.

“There has never been a generation as deeply in trouble as ours. It is corrupted by drugs, crazed by sex, plagued by rebellion and violence.

But we will not lose this generation because of any of these things. Young people now are seeing through the revolution movements. Their leaders are consuming one another with hatred. Their leaders are writing books and making TV appearances and becoming rich capitalists!

No, we will not lose this generation in the ghetto, or in dirty theatres, or on campus. If we lose this generation, it will be lost in the hearts of God’s people! By saints and servants of God who were blind and deaf to the needs and cries of this generation. That is where we will lose this generation.

What we need to reach this generation is a new concept of patience and pity. This generation can be doomed and damned by our unforgiving, impatient spirit locked in the hearts of parents, ministers, and Christian workers.

Some young people today burn and loot. They curse parents. They spit on the flag. They boast about drugs and sex. They dress wild. And it makes our blood boil. Our patriotic spirit is offended. With righteous indignation we demand justice; we fight back with demands for conformity.

Suddenly we are no longer capable of Holy Ghost love. Pentecostal fire is replaced by the fire of indignation. Our love turns to bitterness. And hope turns to despair. Have we forgotten how much God has forgiven us? We have forgotten how patient our God really is!”

–adapted from World Pentecost magazine, Quarter 2, 1971, p. 1.


Courtesy of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center.

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Filed under Ethics, History, Spirituality

9 responses to “David Wilkerson’s Warning to the Church: Don’t let your Pentecostal Fire be Replaced by the Fire of Indignation

  1. Verlon LILLARD

    Some have lost the love of their fellow man. Judging who is worthy and who is not. God made it plain that He is Love and to be like Him, we have to love others although we may have to ask God how and get our answers from Him.

  2. Katherine Cratin

    This is a deep concern that I have regarding the church today. Jesus is who people need to see in our lives. How can we say we are Christans, truly followers of Christ and not live our lives as He lived His. The enemy has distracted us from our calling of pointing others to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are too busy telling others how to think, act and feel that we have forgotten our mission to seek and save the lost. We are too busy judging others and blind to the beam in our own eye. Jesus did not tell us to clean up the world so it would be ready for His return,. He told us to let our light so shine that others would see Christ in us. He will do the clean up when He returns. Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus!

  3. Debbie Denise Rollins

    You’re so right. Where is the compassion and love for the lost? I try not to look down on those who are down and despaired. I try to show love to others. And pray for those who will let me. I have a client, I’m a homemaker for the elderly, but he is gay. Says He believes in God, but not Jesus. It saddens my heart that I can’t convince him that Jesus loves him and wants to help him, but he just says I can’t believe.

  4. Freddy c lopez

    Si muy cierto cuando yo estudiaba en el istituto biblico Mizpa en la cuidad de Santa Ana en el 1990 Lee is sus libros el fue un profeta cristiano con descendencia Judia y px k muy facil sus apellidos y fallecio trajicamente en un free way de California como mueren o duermen muchos k aportaron mucho a este mundo cuidados px Dios.

  5. Pastor Kenneth Daniels

    I believe we have too many opinions and not following the word of God seeing things and I own eyes and not Through The Eyes Of God the words said my ways are not your ways and neither are your thoughts my thoughts says the Lord. when we can come out of our ways and take on the things of God and become the light that God asked us to be in this world

  6. larryboy1

    Help us LORD to repent of our indignation and return to Your LOVE that brought us to You ! May we see people with the LOVE and Mercy that You looked upon us with and minister that LOVE to them !

  7. Pingback: David Wilkerson's Warning to the Church | For God's Glory Alone Ministries

  8. Ken Levin

    Knew both of these men and they were meant for their time. And they’re words are, if anything, more relevant today then when first spoken.

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